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Virtual Alumni Showcase - Performing Arts Shows - StageLync

Virtual Alumni Showcase

by New England Center for Circus Arts since 2022
  • 8
  • 1 hr 30 min
  • Online

Cast and Crew


The New England Center for Circus Art’s Alumni Showcase brings together dazzling performers gracing the cyber stage from across the globe for a high flying online event featuring graduates of NECCA. The artists will live emcee each others pre-recorded circus acts sharing stories of their journey from NECCA to the world stage followed by a real time Q&A for direct audience interaction. Meet your favorite NECCA performers and raise funds for outreach and programing at NECCA.

WHEN: Sat, Nov. 12 at 7:00 pm EDT

WHERE: Online

PRICING: $15 single viewer
$25 multiple viewers on 1 device
$50 Supporter Ticket (donations accepted)

BUY TICKETS: https://our.show/alumni2022

MORE INFO: https://necenterforcircusarts.org/about/alumni-showcase/
