Circus World Report at MICC's First Virtual Conference - StageLync
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Circus World Report at MICC’s First Virtual Conference

As the International Market of Contemporary Circus (MICC) adapts itself to be an online event this year (in response to travel restrictions from coronavirus), they have set up a menu of events of high interest to the circus world’s various constituents. Normally, the market takes place concurrently with the Montreal Completement Cirque Festival, this year dubbed the Montreal Presque Cirque Festival (Montreal Almost Circus) which itself has been heavily modified to pop up performances in real space and time this year.

One of the highlights of the MICC events is the Circus World Report, in collaboration CircusTalk. The panel talks were divided into two sections, one that focuses on the regions of the Americas, Europe and Africa, and the second one which will focus on Asia and Australia.


Ruth Wikler, Deputy Director of Programming, Circus Arts at La TOHU, and Montréal Complètement Cirque/MICC, in Montreal, Canada


Circus World Report: The Americas, Europe and Africa

———————-Link to Panel Recording———————-



Circus World Report: Asia and Australia

———————-Link to Panel Recording———————-

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