Tune Into Spain's Newest Online Circus Festival - StageLync
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Tune Into Spain’s Newest Online Circus Festival

Start your February off strong by tuning in online to the first FE.EM Festival, a brand-new digital showcase of emerging circus talent from within its native Spain and around Europe. Learn more about the new event and how to get connected in this bilingual Spanish and English message.

Estimados amigos del circo:

Nos complace invitaros al estreno del Festival online de circo emergente FE.EM, los próximos días 1, 2 y 3 de febrero. El estreno tendrá lugar el día 1 de febrero a las 19:00 h. (horario España). Los espectáculos programados cada día, se podrán visualizar a partir de las 19:00 h. (horario España) y durante los días del festival.

FE.EM emerging circus festival

La programación del festival consta de espectáculos de circo y entrevistas de compañías y artistas emergentes. ¡Las entrevistas ya están  disponiblesen nuestro sitio web!

3 días – 16 espectáculos – 6 entrevistas – 10 países 

FE.EM festival es un proyecto co-financiado por Erasmus +.

Los socios del proyecto son The Freak Cabaret Circus (SP) como coordinador del proyecto y  las escuelas de circo europeas INAC (PT), CARAMPA (SP) y CRAC Lomme (FR). Un equipo de 6 jóvenes de estas escuelas han diseñado y programado el festival.

FE.EM festival pretende ser una plataforma para dar a conocer a nuevos talentos de la escena circense europea. Por eso te pedimos que te conectes, nos compartas, y sobre todo que disfrutes con la selección artística que el equipo ha hecho para esta primera edición.

¡Esperamos que lo disfrutéis!


Dear circus friends,

We are pleased to invite you to the premiere of the FE.EM online emerging circus Festival, happening on February 1, 2, and 3. The premiere will take place on February 1 at 19:00 Central European Standard Time (CEST). The shows scheduled every day can be visualised from 19:00 CEST and during the days of the festival.

FE.EM emerging circus festival

The festival program consists of circus shows and interviews with six emerging companies and artists. Interviews are already available to watch on our website

3 days – 16 shows – 6 interviews – 10 countries

The FE.EM festival is a project co-financed by Erasmus +.

Project partners are The Freak Cabaret Circus (SP) as coordinator and the European circus schools INAC (PT), CARAMPA (SP), and CRAC Lomme (FR). A team of six young people from these schools has designed and programmed the festival.

The FE.EM festival aims to be a platform for publicising new talents from the European circus scene. That’s why we ask you to connect, share with us, and enjoy the artistic selection that the team has made for this first edition.

Instagram: @festival.em_


[email protected]

[email protected]

We hope you enjoy it!

Source: Press release

Editor's Note: At StageLync, an international platform for the performing arts, we celebrate the diversity of our writers' backgrounds. We recognize and support their choice to use either American or British English in their articles, respecting their individual preferences and origins. This policy allows us to embrace a wide range of linguistic expressions, enriching our content and reflecting the global nature of our community.

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