Teen Luca Flores Shines at Festival Internacional del Circ Elefant d’Or - StageLync
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Teen Luca Flores Shines at Festival Internacional del Circ Elefant d’Or

San Diego, CA – Sixteen-year-old Luca Flores shined at the Festival Internacional del Circ Elefant d’Or in Girona, Spain, with his spectacular performance on the aerial rope, also known as corde lisse. Luca, who is the only rope performer in the world to perform such high-level skills at his age, wowed the audience with his breathtaking stunts and acrobatics.

Luca was the first and youngest performer in the world to complete a double pirouette on the rope in a European festival of this caliber. The trick involves swinging, letting go of the rope, twisting twice, and catching the rope.

Luca’s parents, Nicole and Victor, who are former professional cirque performers, coach their son at their aerial training studio, De Leon Dynamics, located in San Diego. Luca has been training on the rope since he was eight years old and has won several cirque festivals in the United States, including the VIVA Fest in Las Vegas. This was his first time performing in Europe, and he did not disappoint.

Luca’s act had an Icarus theme, where he portrayed Icarus breaking out of the maze with golden wings, ultimately falling to the ground and dying. The crowd was mesmerized by his performance, which showcased his agility, strength, and grace on the aerial rope.

Speaking about his experience at the Festival Internacional del Circ Elefant d’Or, Luca said, “It was an incredible experience performing in front of such a large and appreciative audience. I am grateful for the opportunity to showcase my skills on an international platform and hope to inspire other young performers to pursue their dreams.”

Source: Member News Submission by Nicole Flores

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