"Smells Like Circus" Festival Returns This Month with Diverse Programming and Rich Professional Program - StageLync
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“Smells Like Circus” Festival Returns This Month with Diverse Programming and Rich Professional Program

From January 17 to 20, 2024, the boundaries of contemporary circus will be explored through a captivating program of circus, performance, music, dance, theatre, and talks at the ‘Smells Like Circus’ festival. Organized by VIERNULVIER and Miramiro in collaboration with CAMPO, KOPERGIETERY, Circuscentrum, and Cultuurcentrum Evergem, this year’s festival promises to push the boundaries of circus arts, with a special focus on the clown figure.

Circuscentrum, a key partner in the festival consortium, is coordinating a Discussion Program for the professional audience visiting the festival.

The festival will also host the annual INCAm meeting, led by Valentina Barone of Around About Circus, providing additional activities and programs for the professional audience. INCAm, a network of circus arts magazines, is dedicated to advancing the role of media within the circus sector. Internally, INCAm aims to broaden professional horizons, share expertise, and enhance adaptability within the changing media landscape. Externally, the network strives to bring circus to wider audiences and present the art form with the intelligence and mindfulness it deserves.

The program of the INCam event includes:

January 17: INCAm meeting with welcome, plans for the coming year, challenges, and opportunities. Guest speaker: Wouter Hillaert on Folio/PZAZZ (+ Eurozine TBC).

January 18: INCAm meeting discussing the future of the network, its needs, funding, governance, scope, and collaborations. Guest speaker: Gudrun Heymans, Creative Europe Desk Vlaanderen (TBC).

January 19: INCAm meeting exploring the mission, asset, and feedback of the network. Open Forum: a hybrid digital meeting with all INCAm members at Smells Like Circus and connected online to add thoughts and give feedback.

For those interested in the Discussion Programme, please contact Valentina Barone at [email protected].

For more information about the ‘Smells Like Circus’ festival and ticketing visit Miramaro’s website .

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