Think Inside the Box - Views of a Contortionist - StageLync
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Think Inside the Box – Views of a Contortionist

Tori Kubick started circus late and proved that everything is possible!

Tori, aka CONTORTIONIST – THE CALMNESS CONNOISSEUR, is a professional performer,  who has recently given a TEDx Talk in Eustis, Florida about contortion and her practice. Growing up as an award winning dancer and gymnast, she found her true love, the antiquated art form of Mongolian contortion, later in her life. Many would tell her it was too late and doubted her dreams, she shirked them and hopped on a plane, and later on horseback to make it all the way to the birthplace of contortion: Mongolia. Her full-grown womanly body was morphed day after day as she studied with the dedicated class of five year olds. She kept pushing the odds, and now she tours the world and performs contortion and acrobatics in various theaters, cruise ships, and Cirque du Soleil.

The practice of contortion opened up new meaning and understandings for Tori that she is now eager to share with the world in her TEDx Talk and soon-to-be-announced book.

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