TheatreArtLife Podcast: Creating Aerial and Physical Theatre with Daniela Essart (Ep. 212) - StageLync
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TheatreArtLife Podcast: Creating Aerial and Physical Theatre with Daniela Essart (Ep. 212)

Daniela Essart is the co-founder and artistic director of Scarabeus Aerial Theatre since 1988 and has created visually arresting and transformative performances, side by side to  stage to screen films. Scarabeus work merges aerial skills with visual theatre and choreographed movement. We conjure into existence thought provoking productions dealing with contemporary narratives, aimed at awakening empathy and ethical consciousness in a wide range of audiences and viewers.

Daniela believes in the transformative power of the arts, in creating experiences that endure in the collective imagination and promote a sense of belonging.  Fearless about experimentation, she regularly collaborates with a wide range of established and up and coming artists, filmmakers and scientists from different fields.


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Anna Robb
Producer, Founder and CEO of StageLync -HONG KONG
Anna is the Executive Producer for Our Legacy Creations, a Global Live Entertainment Company and the CEO of Originally from Australia, Anna's 23 year career in live entertainment has taken her around the world. Anna has created shows in the Americas, Africa, the Middle East, Europe and in many countries across Asia. Always behind the scenes, Anna has been involved in the execution of some of the largest show creations in the world, including “The Beatles: LOVE” by Cirque du Soleil, and “The House of Dancing Water” in Macau. Anna holds a (BA) Honours degree in Design for Theatre and Television.

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Anna Robb

Anna is the Executive Producer for Our Legacy Creations, a Global Live Entertainment Company and the CEO of Originally from Australia, Anna's 23 year career in live entertainment has taken her around the world. Anna has created shows in the Americas, Africa, the Middle East, Europe and in many countries across Asia. Always behind the scenes, Anna has been involved in the execution of some of the largest show creations in the world, including “The Beatles: LOVE” by Cirque du Soleil, and “The House of Dancing Water” in Macau. Anna holds a (BA) Honours degree in Design for Theatre and Television.