What Lights You Up? Igniting Our Personal Power

We lose power every now and then at the lake, usually due to high winds or snow. I never really mind it, especially in the winter, because we crank up our wood stove and cook our meals fireside. It’s always a great reminder of what’s truly important in life, to what we actually need to live, and the darkness that accompanies a power outage shines light on how very grateful we can be that we have heat at all, let alone a roof over our heads, bottled water and food to put on the wood stove.

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What IS Physical Theatre?

Naked dancing, ritual movement and raucous chanting! This Greek fertility ritual known as “the dithyrambos” enacted in the eighth or ninth century B.C. appears to have been the world’s first dance drama. These drunken physical orgies celebrating the birth of the wine god Dionysus marked the beginnings of what would later be visually organized into styles of Physical Theatre

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