Dancing with Gravity: Episode 36, Teaching VS Performing - StageLync
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Dancing with Gravity: Episode 36, Teaching VS Performing

We’ve been through the most arid era in recent circus history. We all did our best to do what we could. To avoid going crazy, I’ve been keeping myself busy creating an online juggling school. In this podcast I talk about what I learned and the surprising things I discovered.

Cyril Rabbath
Juggler, Educator, Podcaster -United States, France
Cyril has been juggling and performing for the past 25 years. He has won a dozen awards including 3 Gold medals in circus Festivals around the world. Cyril has worked in many productions in cabaret, opera, street, theater, and circus including the Cirque du Soleil show Dralion. He teaches juggling at his online school: Gravity Juggling Arts. Cyril produces a podcast called Dancing With Gravity, and performs as a speaker in various industries in the US and abroad.

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Cyril Rabbath

Cyril has been juggling and performing for the past 25 years. He has won a dozen awards including 3 Gold medals in circus Festivals around the world. Cyril has worked in many productions in cabaret, opera, street, theater, and circus including the Cirque du Soleil show Dralion. He teaches juggling at his online school: Gravity Juggling Arts. Cyril produces a podcast called Dancing With Gravity, and performs as a speaker in various industries in the US and abroad.