Circus–It’s Been a Year! 2020–Seeking Words & Videos of Support and Hope from Circus World for the New Year

Looking back on circus in 2020 might be a bit scary. We have been through so much since nearly all shows and tours halted in March of this year due to the pandemic. Not only circus shows halted, but in most cases, training circus and creating it stopped too. This left circus makers without access to their art form, their income and in many cases also their social life. We want to know how this impacted you and what your hopes and plans are for 2021. And let’s face it, we all need a morale boost right now, so let’s connect via a fun project for the New Year!

As the pandemic rolls towards 2021, it is a good time to take stock, to asses where you are at and what you will aim for next. Perhaps one small solace is that you are not alone in this! Around the world, as artists, directors and organizations attempt to readjust, reinvent, reorganize and reimagine how circus will live on in 2021, we seek connection, understanding, support and hope in the circus sector. Join us in a group project to express your message of hope, your plans and supportive messages to your colleagues near and far. Show us how you adapted, explain your dream for change in the coming year, and tell us how you still circus every damn day!

To join in the project, send us:

  • Your short video (20 to 40 seconds long, shot in horizontal mode)
  • A short, hopeful text/quote from you or piece of good news about circus
  • Include your name, circus discipline, location, and any affiliation you wish to share
  • Deadline for submission: December 15th
  • Send videos and quotes via We Transfer to [email protected] or upload video materials to this Google folder .

Please note, by replying to this invitation and providing video and quotes you are agreeing to share your images/videos and words and declaring that these images/videos and words are yours to offer. CircusTalk reserves the right to edit content to fit the publication, and to use your image and words in the video compilation. Due to time limitations, we may not be able to feature every quote and video sent in, but we hope we can!

Editor's Note: At StageLync, an international platform for the performing arts, we celebrate the diversity of our writers' backgrounds. We recognize and support their choice to use either American or British English in their articles, respecting their individual preferences and origins. This policy allows us to embrace a wide range of linguistic expressions, enriching our content and reflecting the global nature of our community.

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