The Hideaway Podcast 2019 Winter Season: Episode 71 – 77

Josh Aviner and Lyndsay Magid Aviner’s partnership goes beyond the mighty bonds of husband and wife. They are a dynamic duo in other areas of their lives too. Through their company Hideaway Circus, they create the Hideaway podcast together, and they also produce circus shows together (Beyond Babel, Slumber, The Misbehave Gameshow.) The Hideaway Podcast features interviews with artists and entrepreneurs working in circus, theater, and dance. We are happy to share their new season of podcasts on CircusTalk!
Episode 77 – Interview with Bruno Gagnon, Founder and Artistic Director of Flip Fabrique
Episode 76 – Interview with the founder of Cirque Mechanics, Chris Lashua.

Episode 75 – Dominique Jando, Internationally Renowned Circus Historian
Released on November 22nd, 2019

Episode 74 – Interview with Cecil MacKinnon, Director of Circus Flora and Big Apple Circus
In episode 74, Josh and Lyndsay recount the shows they saw last week including STOMP, The Devouring, and DayDreamers by Shinsa. Then they jump into a conversation about funding for circus in America, what you can do about it, and what the government should (or shouldn’t) do about it. Later in the episode, they sit down for a chat with acclaimed circus director Cecil MacKinnon. Cecil was a founding member of the Pickle Family Circus and is now the white face clown, ringmaster, and director of Circus Flora and the director of this season’s Big Apple Circus. If you enjoy the episode please rate us on Apple Podcasts and share the episode with a friend. Have a great week!
Episode 73 – Ross Mollison, Impresario of Spiegelworld and Atomic Saloon
Released Oct 28th, 2019
In episode 73, Josh and Lyndsay discuss five shows they saw recently including The Big Apple Circus, Magic Mike Live, Blanc de Blanc, The Miss Behave Gameshow, and Spiegelworld’s latest production Atomic Saloon. Later on in the episode they sit down for an interview with Ross Mollison, the founder and producer of Spiegelworld and their other hit shows Absinthe and Opium. Ross talks about producing in Las Vegas, the creation of Atomic Saloon, their upcoming production We Are Here, and the state of circus today. If you enjoy today’s episode please rate us on Apple Podcasts and share the show with a friend. Have a great week!
Episode 72: Shana Carroll, Les 7 Doigts Co-founder and Co-artistic Director
Released Oct. 14th, 2019
In episode 72, Josh and Lyndsay discuss three shows they saw recently including The Wrong Manat MCC, Cirque Du Soleil’s Sonar, and Les 7 Doigts‘ Passagers. Later on in the episode, they sit down for an interview with Shana Carroll, one of the original founding members of contemporary circus company Les 7 Doigts. She was writer and director of many of their most well known projects including Traces, Cuisine & Confessions, Sequence 8, and Loft. Shana talks about her path into circus, how she creates acts and shows, and dives deep into the artistic concepts behind her latest project. If you enjoy today’s episode please rate us on Apple Podcasts and share the show with a friend. Have a great week!
Episode 71: Daniel Lamarre, CEO of Cirque Du Soleil
Released Oct. 2nd, 2019
In episode 71, Josh and Lyndsay announce the Off-Broadway run of their new theatrical dance show Beyond Babel. The show will be playing in downtown NYC from January through May 2020. Later on in the episode, they sit down for an interview with Daniel Lamarre, the CEO of the circus mega-giant Cirque Du Soleil. Daniel recounts his time joining Cirque Du Soleil and chat’s with Josh and Lyndsay about the many shows in development, the differences between the New York and Vegas market, circus robots, virtual reality and more.
Related content: Meet the Makers of the Hideaway Circus Podcast
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