The Artist Athlete Podcast, Episode 84: East Versus West- A Comparison Of Circus with Guang Rong Lu - StageLync
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The Artist Athlete Podcast, Episode 84: East Versus West- A Comparison Of Circus with Guang Rong Lu

Born in China under the rule of Chairman Mao Zehdong, Guang Rong Lu began his circus training at the age of 11. After a long career as a performer, Mister Lu arrived in Australia to bring with him systems of teaching circus. He aided in establishing The National Institute of Circus Arts in Melbourne, Australia and worked as head coach in the program. In this interview, Mister Lu outlines how the financial philosophies nations adopt influence how circus artists train and work they create, and how he and circus have changed over his 55-year career.

The Artist Athlete Podcast
In 2018, circus artist Shannon McKenna launched The Artist Athlete Podcast to provide a platform for professionals in all facets of circus to share stories, view points, and information. It serves as a communication pillar for the community and as a source of inspiration for those who wish to enter the industry. To date, the podcast boasts over 155,000 downloads worldwide, with over 76 episodes, and esteemed guests from 15 different countries and counting.

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The Artist Athlete Podcast

In 2018, circus artist Shannon McKenna launched The Artist Athlete Podcast to provide a platform for professionals in all facets of circus to share stories, view points, and information. It serves as a communication pillar for the community and as a source of inspiration for those who wish to enter the industry. To date, the podcast boasts over 155,000 downloads worldwide, with over 76 episodes, and esteemed guests from 15 different countries and counting.