MOVE IT! Episode 9 - Aerialists, Part 2 - StageLync
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MOVE IT! Episode 9 – Aerialists, Part 2

A look at some of America’s most intriguing circus aerialists, featuring Noeli Acoba, Eric Allen, Vanessa Aviles, Lindsay Culbert-Olds, Eve Diamond & PJ Perry of Girls Gone Rope, Ellie Rossi, Elsie Smith & Serenity Smith Forchion of Nimble Arts, Jason Span, and Susan Voyticky.

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Mark Lonergan

Mark is the Artistic Director of Parallel Exit, a three-time Drama Desk Award nominee for Unique Theatrical Experience. With Parallel Exit, he has created many original and award-winning works of physical theatre. Mark’s work has been seen in theatres and festivals in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia. In New York City, he has presented work at The New Victory Theater, Lincoln Center, 59E59 Theaters, Symphony Space, and the Guggenheim Museum. Mark was the Guest Director for three productions of The Big Apple Circus, each a New York Times Critic’s Pick. He is also the Creative Director for Vermont’s celebrated Circus Smirkus.