COVID-19 Resources Around the Circus World – Last Update: Feb 10, 2021
This list of information resources that we have compiled with the help of various resources, including On the Move, Circostrada and you! Please keep sending us resources that you want to share here with the wider circus community. Best practices in other regions and arts industries can serve as inspiration for the entire community.
This list begins with general COVID-19 resources for health updates and performers, plus tools and advice articles. It then breaks down resources into specific continents and countries so you can find the most apt tools for your situation.
Coronavirus anxiety -A mental health resource
Daily Worldwide Pandemic Update from International SOS
Health Information on COVID-19 in 22 languages
NPR – Flattening A Pandemic’s Curve: Why Staying Home Now Can Save Lives
#StayTheFuckHome – A Movement to Stop the COVID-19 Pandemic
Arts Minds COVID-19-Coronavirus Resource List
Performance Information
Artists From Abroad–Complete guide to immigration and tax requirements
CircusTalk’s COVID-19 Circus Event Cancellations – Last Update: March 18
IFACCA – International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies – Global responses to COVID-19 in the arts and culture sector
Nonprofits Need Access to COVID-19 Relief- Performing Arts Alliance
Some resources for independent contractors and freelancers
Tamizdat, a nonprofit organization that facilitates and advocates for international cultural mobility and exchange
Urgent Concerns-Panel Talk: Circus Schools Respond to COVID-19
Teaching Performing Arts During the Pandemic
Circus Conservatory online classes schedule
Free Online Circus Training/Resources/Online Performances by Kevin Wratten
Arts Ready– an online emergency preparedness service by and for arts/cultural nonprofits
Cirque du Soleil offering free viewings of select shows through Cirque Connect
Free Digital Circus Training List
Cirkus Cirkör offering free viewings of select shows through their website
Nina Gershy‘s database of online full length circus shows
Complete List of Free Training (Tech based)
Get Everyone in the Room Together Virtually
Spotting with the Nervous System, Trauma & Neurodivergent Training Online For Circus/Movement Professionals (110 minutes pre-recorded)
Weird Streamathon on Patreon for artists affected by COVID-19
Virtual Music Events Directory-Shares good online resources for streaming shows, etc.
Hong Kong
1000% increase (HK$5> HK$55 million) for Hong Kong’s Support Scheme for Arts & Cultural Sector to help deal with COVID-19 fallout
ART Power HK launches online activation of art events via Culture360
S$1.6 million set aside for arts and culture sector amid COVID-19 outbreak
Australia and New Zealand
Cultural and creative sector roundtable on COVID-19
First Nations Round Table for Arts & Creative Independents & Organizations
Australia Council for the Arts COVID-19 information
Support Act Wellbeing Helpline
The European Commission Coronavirus Response
Effects of COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) on the European Culture and Creative Industries, by the European Business Creative Network
Culture Action Europe
European Cultural Foundation – Corona crisis calls for a Culture of Solidarity
European Commission – Creative Europe programme
European Commission – ERASMUS+ programme
On the Move’s cultural mobility funding guides
Cultural Action Europe – Effect of COVID-19 on Creative Europe and the European CCS
European Culture of Solidarity Fund. The Fund supports imaginative cultural initiatives that, in the midst of the global pandemic crisis reinforce European solidarity and the idea of Europe as a shared public space.
FAQ Corona-Virus & Veranstaltungsverbot – Updates by IG Kultur
Petition By State of the Arts (EN / NL)
Overbruggingsrecht voor zelfstandigen (Coronavirus)
Recensement des annulations de spectacle liées au covid-19
Information and taylor-made advice related to the Corona virus by Cultuurloket
Petition to support the independent cultural sector
Czech Republic
Briefing by the Minister of Culture related to the impacts of Coronavirus for the arts and cultural sector
Kone Foundation: artists at home residency
Large Finnish foundations, the Ministry of Education and Culture, and Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike) to set up a special fund of 1,5 million euros
Pétition pour le soutien des intermittents
Mobilisation du groupe Audiens
Aides Occitanie par Occitanie en scène
Information sur les arrêts maladie en période de pandémie et intermittence
Assurance Maladie: Déclaration de maintien à domicile – Coronavirus
Information officielle du 16 mars notamment sur les manifestations publiques
Syndicat des Cirques et Compagnies de Création – rescencement des spectacles annulés en raison du Coronavirus
Covid-19 : infos juridiques ARTCENA
Hilfen für Freiberufler und Künstler während des Corona-Shutdowns
Germany: Support for the arts and cultural sector by the Minister of Culture: DE / EN
Petition – “Help for freelancers and artists during the corona shutdown”
A petition asking the Government to extend the COVID19 support to entertainment workers, who usually don’t have any contract or permanent job and don’t have access to a lot of benefit workers in other fields enjoy
Berlin Distributes €500 Million to Artists and Freelancers
Professional Artists on Jobseekers Allowance
To support gig workers and freelancers
Appello per sostegno urgente ai lavoratori dello spettacolo
Coronavirus e lavoro Freelance: un nuovo sondaggio
Information by the Ministry of Cultural Activities and Tourism
Strumenti utili per uscirne professionalmente vivi
Ministry of Culture Statement
Informations pour le secteur culturel via
COVID-19 impact on artists in Malta> sruvey 1: dw and survey 2:
The Netherlands
ZZP’ers hebben óók recht op financiële bijstand na de Coronacrisis
Self Employment help: freelancers
The Netherlands: A list by Kunsten92 for all disciplines / sectors (including heritage) on initiatives related to the Corona virus
Artists in a difficult situation can apply for social support from the Ministry of Culture
Crise do coronavírus leva Ministério da Cultura a anunciar apoios ao setor (14/3)
Coronavírus/ COVID-19 e o sector cultural
Suspensión inmediata del pago de autónomos mientras dure la crisis del coronavirus
Manegen – a crisis fund in support of circus artists affected by COVID-19
United Kingdom
Facebook group: Covid-19 Outdoor Arts Information, Questions and Advice Forum:
COVID-19 impact on-arts-workers.
Mimbre list of resources for artists and creatives.
Petition Include self-employed in statutory sick pay during Coronavirus
Coronavirus advice to Equity members
Impact Survey: Covid-19 and UK Youth Circus Report 1 and Supplement 26th March 2020 by CircusWorks
North America
United States
ACE-Online classes offered by ACE org members
Alliance of Artists’ Communities – COVID-19 Preparedness for Residencies
Alliance Arts Resources During COVID-19 Outbreak
Annuity’s Guide to COVID-19 and Your Finances: What You Need to Know
Americans for the Arts – Arts and Culture Sector Can Prepare for the Coronavirus in the United States
Americans for the Arts Survey
Americans for the Arts Action Fund
APAP (association of Performing Arts Professionals) COVID Pandemic Response
APAP Arts Sector and COVID-19 Relief Statement
APAP Coronavirus Impact Survey on the Performing Arts Industry
APAP and the Alliance of Performing Arts Conferences are hosting a webinar, March 18, 2020 at 3:00 PM EST, “We Are Stronger Together: Navigating Crises and Sustaining Healthy Relationships in the Era of Coronavirus”
APAP Letter to Senate “Nonprofits Need Access to COVID-19 Relief”
Art Relief Fund Boston, MA:
Artist Mobility to the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic
Boston Artist Relief Fund – modified the Opportunity Fund to best address the current needs of artists whose creative practices and incomes are being adversely impacted by COVID-19.
Cares Act Funding Information Form sponsored by American for the Arts and Arts Action Fund
Colorado Artists Talents & Skills Database
Corona Virus 2020 Artist Relief Funds
COVID-19 Freelance Artists’ Resources
FAQ from the NEA
Freelancer’s Guide to the Cares Act
Grantmakers in the Arts – List of resources and emergency grants regarding artist support and Covid-19
I Care If You Listen COVID-19 Emergency Funding & Artist Resources
I Lost My Gig USA Facebook Group
Local Grants/Relief Funds from 501(c)3 Organizations, Unions, and Local Arts Councils
National Assembly of State arts Agency – Coronavirus Resources
National Performance Network – Statement and Resources
SBA loans for small businesses affected by COVID-19
US mobility funding by Creative Capital
Artist + Activist Relief Fund, created by The Soze Foundation, TaskForce and Invisible Hand, will support artists and activists whose work has been impacted by COVID-19 with $250 grants to selected applicants on an ongoing basis.
Artist Relief Fund Grant Information
Artist Relief Tree is set up to collect donations from those of us with the means to help. They intend to support artists, particularly freelance artists, in a small way.
The Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund is intended to help those pursuing careers as artists or arts administrators whose income has been directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This fund is for those who self-identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color).
Chicago Theatre Workers Relief Fund is intended to help replace lost income for Chicago area theatre professionals due to theatre closures. The Fund is available to all those who have had to stop work and are not getting paid, including those who were on contract, part-time employees and those working on a stipend that was not paid. Chicago area theatre professionals may apply for a grant of $500 on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Coronavirus Financial Impact Loan Program from the Hebrew Free Loan Society provides interest-free loans of $2,000-$5,000 to residents of New York City’s five boroughs, Westchester or Long Island who are facing financial challenges caused by the Coronavirus outbreak.
The Creator Fund is providing financial assistance to active creators who are experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19. If you have medical, childcare, housing or grocery needs, please apply for assistance.
The Equal Sound Corona Relief Fund was set up on short notice to provide direct financial assistance to musicians who have lost work as a result of Corona-related event cancellations.
The Kinkade Family Foundation is administering two new Emergency Grants for humanitarian non-profits that are supporting women, children, families or art initiatives. The Emergency Grants provide funding to support organizations that are greatly impacted by the challenges we are facing due to COVID-19.
Max’s Kansas City Project provides emergency funding and resources to professionals in the creative arts who live in New York state. Individuals who have made their living through their art form, either professionally or personally, and demonstrate a financial need for medical aid, legal aid or housing. The maximum grant is $1,000.
The New York City office of Small Business Services will provide relief for small businesses across New York City seeing a reduction in revenue because of COVID-19. Businesses with fewer than 100 employees who have seen sales decreases of 25% or more will be eligible for zero interest loans of up to $75,000 to help mitigate losses in profit. The City is also offering small businesses with fewer than 5 employees a grant to cover 40% of payroll costs for two months to help retain employees.
Creative Capital has always been anchored by a rich spirit of community and mutual generosity, and they believe that continuing communication and exchange are crucial for all of us. As COVID-19 continues to spread across the United States, they have created a list of resources for artists working in all disciplines, as well as arts philanthropists and arts professionals. See the compiled resources.
Freelance Artists Resource List: A compiled list of resources for freelance artists including Legal and Advocacy Information, Emergency Funding, Health and Mental Health Resources and more. See the compiled resources
Women Arts has compiled a large list of funding resource options for artists of many different disciplines. See the compiled resources is a marketable skills database for artistic professionals to offer services such as knitting classes, writing and video editing, dramaturgy, home gardening, etc. that they can offer remotely to individuals who are able to and looking to purchase specific services.
Paycheck Protection Program and Loan Forgiveness: Local lenders backed by the SBA are rapidly preparing to process loan applications from employers with fewer than 500 employees, as well as applications from self-employed workers. These aim to support eight weeks of eligible costs through loan forgiveness. The U.S. Department of the Treasury has jus posted an overview for borrowers, an overview for lenders, and an example of the loan application form.
SBA Economic Injury Disaster Relief and Loan Advances: On March 30, the Small Business Administration (SBA) launched a new streamlined application platform for organizations and self-employed individuals applying for emergency loans directly from the SBA, including $10,000 advance payments that will be forgiven by the federal government.
Paycheck Protection Program and Loan Forgiveness: Local lenders backed by the SBA are rapidly preparing to process loan applications from employers with fewer than 500 employees, as well as applications from self-employed workers. These aim to support eight weeks of eligible costs through loan forgiveness. The U.S. Department of the Treasury has jus posted an overview for borrowers, an overview for lenders, and an example of the loan application form.
Financial Strategies for Freelance Artists in a Time of Crisis
Save Small Business Fund
New York Foundation for the Arts Rauschenberg Emergency GrantsThe program provides one-time grants of up to $5,000 for unexpected medical emergencies.
Association of Performing Arts Professionals Emergency Response Page
On-demand recording of VLA’s Webinar: The CARES Act and Unemployment Assistance: What Artists and Freelancers Need to Know, held on April 10, 2020.
En piste – National Circus Arts Alliance News
En piste-Financial Resources COVID-19
En piste- Crisis Management COVID-19
Canadian government-Financial help for Canadians outside of Canada
Resources for Canadian artists, writers and media workers during COVID-19 shutdowns
March 19-Inscription au 5@cirque en ligne d’En Piste | Registration for En Piste’s online 5@cirque Online Discussion
Temporary Aid for Workers Program, Quebec
Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan
Google document list of COVID-19 event cancellations that are affecting the Canadian live performance sector
CINARS survey on impacts of COVID-19 employment (respond by Friday, April 17th,2020)
Freelancers Union – How the Paycheck Protection Program Can Help Freelancers and How PPP Forgiveness Can Turn a Loan Into a Grant.
Central and South America
(Call) Contigo a la Distancia. Convocatoria para creativos y espacios independientes.For independent spaces and creatives around the country.
(Program) Financiamiento para microempresas afectadas por la emergencia sanitaria.Financing for small businesses and self-employment in Mexico city.
(Program) Plan emergente de protección al empleo.To support freelancers and small businesses under the employment protection plan in Jalisco state.
Do you want to share information or resources with the wider community?
Send your resource to us: [email protected].
Use #COVID19CircusResponse when you share crisis related news and information on social media.
Stay Connected!
Editor's Note: At StageLync, an international platform for the performing arts, we celebrate the diversity of our writers' backgrounds. We recognize and support their choice to use either American or British English in their articles, respecting their individual preferences and origins. This policy allows us to embrace a wide range of linguistic expressions, enriching our content and reflecting the global nature of our community.
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