CASTING ALERT: Artist Residency in Paradise with Momentum Collective

Momentom is a collective of circus artists, yoga teachers and creative entrepreneurs in Canada. The collective’s mission is to re-define what’s possible through art. Their crew of performers, teachers and public speakers, are self-proclaimed vibe architects who explore the extraordinaire in everything that they do, whether in classes or on stage.

In 2021 Momentum reopens its residency program, CIRCUS ISLAND residency in a brand new location. They are moving into a Chocolate Factory and functioning Cacao Farm on the volcanic island of Ometepe, Nicaragua.

The Collective invite interested artists to join this residency experience. They invite artists to find that spark of inspiration in every moment, to take the chance to be part of something bigger that truly embodies the human experience.

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The residency includes:  meditation, yoga, aerials, acroyoga, embodied movement, choreography, ecstatic dance, contact improv, clown, theatre arts, mermaiding, ceremony, plant medicine, permaculture and more.

“We invite you to join us for all the activities on offer, while at the same time learning what it means to eat directly from the fruit forest that surrounds you, and live in an eco village of cabins. You can visit our neighbors who are building on virgin land using bio construction and growing food with permaculture techniques,” says the Collective.

There is one more week left to apply to this residency.

Momentom Collective is an international community of artists, yogis and thought-leaders with a common vision to explore the potential of the human spirit.    From virtual events to curated live-in residencies, they bring together creatives from all fields to engage in community living and training programs that awaken mind, body and spirit. Their main vector is art, and they equip it in all of its forms as a catalyst for global change and collective awakening. 



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This post was last modified on February 4, 2021 3:25 pm

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