Maca Simonetti
Maca Simonetti is an anthropologist, photographer, and cultural manager linked to the performing arts through a lifetime of working, producing, directing and co-creating with companies, venues, festivals, and institutions, as well as doing research. She is a part of the CircoChile Association, a nonprofit giving life to several projects in the aim of enhancing circus arts, such as the Chilean Convention of Circus and Street Art and the Circo Teca platform Maca is tied to photography and the visual arts through personal creative projects and research that probe where the audiovisual, ethnographic and circus intersect, such as www.memoriasdetonys.clor and,
and where visuality intersects with the street and the city, such as the urban arts festival "La Puerta del Sur." She has worked with and been featured in numerous circus magazines and publications, most recently "A arte do circo na América do Sul: trajetórias, tradiçòes e inovaçòes na arena contemporánea" (SESC, 2023), and is nowadays honoured to be a teacher at El Circo del Mundo Chile and Coordinator of Cultural Management of the Directorate of Artistic Creation at Universidad de Chile.