Cirque Us
Contemporary Circus Company -United States
Cirque Us is a Boston based circus entertainment and education company. We produce and tour full length, original work, as well as curate customized circus experiences. Additionally, we provide educational resources, such as workshops and camps, for people of all ages and abilities.

Based in New England, the Cirque Us team draws performers, directors, educators, technicians, and choreographers from all over the United States. Our circus collective seeks to bring the most passionate, committed, and talented circus artists to the hearts of local communities, whether it’s through a performative or educational lense.

We choose to tell our stories through circus because this multidisciplinary approach to performance not only inspires our audiences, but also inspires our company members. Training and performing circus requires immense discipline, commitment, and passion. Every member of the Cirque Us team embodies these characteristics, which helps fuel a collectively strong work ethic to create content of the highest caliber. Circus enables us to express ourselves both physically and artistically. Through this unique medium, we are able to emphasize the necessity of human connections and relationships in order to uphold community. Moreover, through circus we demonstrate that the impossible is possible, that through trust and communication we can hold one another up literally and figuratively, and that with an open mind and heart, we can be the best versions of ourselves, both on and off stage. Circus has profoundly impacted our lives, and we want to spread the “circus magic” wherever we go.