Brad Gover
Public Communications Liaison -Canada
Brad Gover has worked with a number of organizations as a public communications liaison.  He worked in this capacity with mVAN, the Mobile Vendors Association of Newfoundland, the Nickel Independent Film Festival and NIFCO, the Newfoundland Independent Filmmakers Co-Operative. He is also a film and media producer who is very active in the local film and television production industry. He recently produced two feature films, "Away From Everywhere" (2016), starring Shawn Doyle and Jason Priestley, as well as "Riverhead" (2016), which was nominated for two Canadian Screen Awards. He directed "Sister Morphine" (2014), a television documentary about nurses who steal drugs from the patients they're supposed to be taking care of, as well as the short film, "The Care Package" (2006), about a young man who mails himself to his estranged girlfriend. Brad loves watching old black and white Hollywood movies and has a cat named Marvin.