Freely inspired from Italo Calvino’s novel “The Baron in the Trees”, this thrilling circus show will enchant you and amaze you, taking you somewhere between the ground and the sky, reverie and reality.
The Baron is a playful, romantic fable set in Italy in the 18th century. In this surreal tale the 12 year old son of the Baron, climbs a tree in protest at being forced to eat snails, vowing solemnly that his feet will never touch the ground again. He spends the rest of his life in the trees and as he grows up he has adventures with bandits and pirates, learns about love, life and death and watches the revolutionary ideas of The Age of Enlightenment unfold beneath him.
A show to thrill young and old alike, The Baron features astonishing and astounding performances that mix high flying aerial stunts and amazing acrobatics with hilarious knockabout slapstick and juggling.