Original Series ROUNDUP - Journeys Through Queer Circus - StageLync
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Original Series ROUNDUP – Journeys Through Queer Circus

This week, we’re presenting a CircusTalk Original Series ROUNDUP of Journeys Through Queer Circus, hosted by Dr. Charles Batson. Now accessible to all CircusTalk members, this seriesrevolves around the culture and concerns of the LGBTQIA+ community in the circus environment. In the four episodes, Charles and guests explore unique and personal connections to queerness and art on and off stage, discuss how circus training and education can become more queer focused, and expand on how queerness and multidisciplinarity are a powerful combo. At the end of each episode, Charles asks “how can we make circus more queer?” The answers? Essential, enlightening, everything. This series is a valuable tool and conversation starter for your artists, team and colleagues in the industry, and will help create a more inclusive circus world.

Episode 1: Two Artists of Latin American Origin, Many Experiences
with guests Maré Oliveira & Diego Fernando Martinez

In this episode, guests Maré and Diego speak about their experiences as queer circus professionals in the sector as well as issues they identify as important for the queer community in circus.

Episode 2: Deep Explorations of Queerness, Materiality, and the Body
with guest Phia Ménard

In this episode, guest Phia Ménard speaks about combining queerness, natural elements, and her own body to communicate an empathy her audiences are called to absorb and reckon with.

Episode 3: Queer Training, Queer Art: Present and Future
with guests Ania Upstill, Adam Woolley, John-Paul Zaccarini & Zed Cézard

In this episode, Batson showcases and foregrounds a vital element in the crafting of queer circus art: training and pedagogy. He speaks with four trainers / educators from different regions of the globe, and they reveal their experiences, strategies, and recommendations for making an even more queer circus in our present and future.

Episode 4: Politics, Authenticity, Interdisciplinarity
with guests Jennifer Miller, Eric J. Miles, Louis Guillemette & Billy L’Amour

In this episode, and wrapping up the series, Batson talks with four Montreal-based creators of queer circus and circus-proximate arts in a powerful exploration of what it means to make political and authentic work.


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