Feminist Juggling – Creating Inclusive Spaces Within the Juggling Community, A Panel Talk - StageLync
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Feminist Juggling – Creating Inclusive Spaces Within the Juggling Community, A Panel Talk

The International Jugglers Association’s Festival (founded in 1947) celebrated its festival as many other circus festivals this year did–online. This multi-platform juggling event was open to the public with workshops like Make Better Juggling Videos – with Taylor Tries, juggle jams, flow shows and joggling competitions. There were even a number of panels and interviews, all as a way to keep the large community of jugglers and juggling clubs from around the world engaged in the juggling arts in spite of not having the giant group gatherings they are accustomed to every summer.

CircusTalk was happy to co-host the IJA organized panel titled Feminist Juggling – Creating Inclusive Spaces in the Juggling Community, and to add it to our ever-expandigCircus & Changing Realities 2020 panel series. This is a social-justice driven discussion with influential women and non-binary people from the juggling and flow arts communities. Moderated by Josie Mae, panelists Sonal Aggarwal, West Desert Rose, Mellionare, Love Michalla Lynn, Dallys Newton, and Lucy Juggles discussed queer and trans issues, intersectionality, gender inclusion, allyship, and the future of diversity-focused discussions and initiatives.

Bonus content: IJA championship winners videos shown after the panel.

Kim Campbell
Writer -USA
Kim Campbell has written about circus for CircusTalk.News, Spectacle magazine, Circus Now, Circus Promoters and was a resident for Circus Stories, Le Cirque Vu Par with En Piste in 2015 at the Montreal Completement Cirque Festival. They are the former editor of CircusTalk.News, American Circus Educators magazine, as well as a staff writer for the web publication Third Coast Review, where they write about circus, theatre, arts and culture. Kim is a member of the American Theater Critics Association.

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Kim Campbell

Kim Campbell has written about circus for CircusTalk.News, Spectacle magazine, Circus Now, Circus Promoters and was a resident for Circus Stories, Le Cirque Vu Par with En Piste in 2015 at the Montreal Completement Cirque Festival. They are the former editor of CircusTalk.News, American Circus Educators magazine, as well as a staff writer for the web publication Third Coast Review, where they write about circus, theatre, arts and culture. Kim is a member of the American Theater Critics Association.