CINARS Maintains the Link Between Creators and Presenters - StageLync
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CINARS Maintains the Link Between Creators and Presenters

CINARS has offered a spring virtual conference focused on encouraging global artistic encounters. From May 25th to May 28th, 2021, participants have been developing the links between creators and presenters.

The conference lasts 4 days and is composed of show presentations and networking. 24 shows and 8 projects were selected to be featured.

This virtual platform will allow participants to meet both in groups and privately, as well as in kiosks held by exhibitors. The matchmaking algorithm will connect participants with personalized meetings based on their interests and their profiles. The conference includes circus arts, dance, music, and theater.

“During its 37 years of existence, the CINARS Biennale has welcomed great names from the stage such as Cirque du Soleil, Compagnie Marie Chouinard and Robert Lepage, placing itself as a springboard for talents that is a precursor in its field. It is therefore a duty for us to continue to allow these exchanges between professionals and to enable the planification of the upcoming seasons in person. This edition will be a time of hope, as the artistic communities of the living arts, here and elsewhere, mobilize to prepare the shows of tomorrow.” – Alain Paré, President, Director, and Founder of CINARS.

Information provided courtesy of CINARS

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