Australian Circus Festival: Lifetime Achievement Awards Announced - StageLync
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Australian Circus Festival: Lifetime Achievement Awards Announced

The 5th edition of the Australian Circus Festival is occurring this February. Due to COVID-19, the competition is virtual. The festival features junior to teen performers around the globe.

We would like to congratulate the winners of the Australian Circus Festival Awards!

On the Lifetime Achievement Award, Jasmine Straga of the Australian Circus Festival says: “This award was created to celebrate outstanding members of our circus community (all genres). People that have made an impact on the industry, this could be in many ways: Through Philanthropy, running a successful show for a number of years, performing an exceptional skill (a national or world record for example), or helping raise awareness for Australian circus either locally or internationally, or even being one of those pilars that holds the shows together (we are about to announce one of these special silent achievers next week that will get a lot of folks smiling).”

Congratulations to Bekki Ashton, Helene Embling, Antonella Casella, Adam St. James, Dale Woodbridge-Brown, and Guang Rong Lu.

The 5th Australian Circus Festival entries are being compiled for your enjoyment. They festival will be live streamed virtually for free on February 25th. The links will be posted on the Australian Circus Festival official webpage. The content will include shows, documentaries, and interviews.


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