Subcase Cyber Live Blends Live and On Demand Events for Programmers - StageLync
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Subcase Cyber Live Blends Live and On Demand Events for Programmers

Subcase Cyber Live took place this 15th -21st of February in Sweden and in home offices around the world. This contemporary circus meeting, in its 10th edition, has been set up to champion Nordic and Baltic circus. 

In a unique twist on online festivals and conferences, Subcase offered a mix of media offerings, from live gatherings at defined times to some on demand materials.

The main event really is the Nordic and Baltic circus show offerings, which Subcase presented on the website for the whole week. Each project was selected by an open call system with a committee from the Scandinavian and Baltic countries. The companies selected were:

Kapsel: Apparat

Svalbard Company: Braintown

M.P.A.C: Breast in Peace

GLiMT and Sputnik & Wild Wonders: CameliOrquestra

Cirkus Cirkör: Circus Days and Nights 

Sanja Kosonen: Cry Me a River

Kanta Company: Clothes and Us 

Marta & Kim: Fase

Henrik & Louise: Korobka

Galapiat Cirque/Collectif Oxo: La Roue

ENT: Nesa i Jorda & Plast

Race Horse Company: O`DD

Aleksey Smolov: OlÂŽthat

Sunniva LÞvland Byvard & Elise Bjerkelund Reine: Silhuetter pÄ Stranden 

Sisus: Split ends

Huldufugl: The Hidden People

Big Wolf Company: Three Sisters

Circus I Love You: Utopia

Right Way Down: Wald

Dziugas Kunsmanas & Adrian Carlo Bibiano: Where Do I Connect?


Subcase also offered an online exhibition of 22 circus companies sharing links to their own webpages. Other activities included a virtual bonfire, where individuals shared their vision for the future of circus, and one on one meetings through a random blind date where the festival connected you to a random partner to meet up and talk on your own time

Live Events

Another happening at Subcase Live was The Huddle. The brainchild of John-Paul Zaccarini, (Professor in Performing Arts at Stockholm University of the Arts) and the team Dr. Ana Sanchez-Colberg, Hanna Wallensteen, Toubab Holmes, Camilla Welton, Dr. Anna Adenji, Majo Cruz and Andrea Davis-Kronlund.

The Huddle was a two-day event diving into the Future Black Space workshops he has developed to ask “Who is left out?” It was described as “anaesthetic weave of performance lecture, creative writing workshops, discussion groups, podcasts, music and video. It is curated by the FutureBlackSpace team of artists, scholars in gender studies, intersectionality, decolonisation, psychoanalysis and dance, professionals in curatorial practice, fashion, perfumery, psychotherapy and organisational consultation.”

A Working Model For Exchange

With Subcase Cyber Live, Subcase offered a refreshing and human-scale model for idea and information exchange, professional development and social networking while at the same time not overwhelming the schedules of professionals experiencing Zoom fatigue, by leaving the majority of the scheduling in the hands of the attendee. The drawback to that was a loss of some of the sense of a group dynamic, but the benefits of such a thoughtful approach outweighed this, leaving participants with the opportunity to make more authentic connections, as I did with my blind date partner, Daniel Oj, artistic director of Nordcirkus. Huddled in our respective snowy locations thousands of miles apart, for a few minutes, we connected on what thrilled us about circus, and how we would continue to advocate for it through our work, and that is the kind of support and connection that is priceless.


Kim Campbell
Writer -USA
Kim Campbell has written about circus for CircusTalk.News, Spectacle magazine, Circus Now, Circus Promoters and was a resident for Circus Stories, Le Cirque Vu Par with En Piste in 2015 at the Montreal Completement Cirque Festival. They are the former editor of CircusTalk.News, American Circus Educators magazine, as well as a staff writer for the web publication Third Coast Review, where they write about circus, theatre, arts and culture. Kim is a member of the American Theater Critics Association.

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Kim Campbell

Kim Campbell has written about circus for CircusTalk.News, Spectacle magazine, Circus Now, Circus Promoters and was a resident for Circus Stories, Le Cirque Vu Par with En Piste in 2015 at the Montreal Completement Cirque Festival. They are the former editor of CircusTalk.News, American Circus Educators magazine, as well as a staff writer for the web publication Third Coast Review, where they write about circus, theatre, arts and culture. Kim is a member of the American Theater Critics Association.