CircusTalk is Proud Supporter of LEME - StageLync
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CircusTalk is Proud Supporter of LEME

Bravo, LEME!  It was our pleasure to collaborate and support LEME, The Festival of Contemporary Circus and Artistic Creation in Unconventional Spaces that held its 2nd edition in Ílhavo, Portugal last week.

The festival’s magazine asked our founder, Andrea Honis about the future of contemporary circus.

LEME: How do you imagine contemporary circus in 20 years?

Andrea Honis: At CircusTalk our mission is that the world recognizes circus as a unified artform, regardless of labels such as contemporary, classical or “nouveau.” An art form’s recognition translates into funding opportunities, more performing opportunities, and also bringing circus more to the recreational market. Circus has to adapt and respond to the world we live in through addressing important issues by using multidisciplinary skills. In my opinion, circus artists will become the most versatile artists in the performing arts, possessing skills in acrobatics/circus, acting, dancing, and music. This vision requires our community to unite, put aside our differences, and present ourselves to the world as one big family.

We are looking forward to continue our collaboration with LEME in 2020.

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