In Conversation with Sosina Wogayehu OAM

Join Circus Arts Hub as they chat with one of our featured creators, Sosina, who is currently establishing “The Ethiopian Circus Centre”, a national centre which will provide training and employment opportunities for the youth of Ethiopia, and celebrate Ethiopia’s extraordinary circus artists, culture and heritage.

The conversation will feature Sosi’s amazing story of becoming Ethiopia’s most successful circus artist and artist manager, as well as exploring her vision for the Ethiopian Circus Centre.

Chatting with Sosi will be two of her students, Wintana G/Meskel and Abraham Nibret, as well as several of her international colleagues, including:

  • David Carlin, author of Sosina’s biography, “The Abyssinian Contortionist”,
  • Jasmine Straga, member of the Board of Directors of the Federation Mondiale du Cirque and Creative Director,
  • Anni Davey AOM, Artistic Director, The Flying Fruitfly Circus
  • Tim Cole, Taipei-based film maker and music producer specialising in cross-cultural Indigenous arts projects

Link to Panel Video at The Circus Arts Hub.

The Circus Arts Hub
The Circus Arts Hub is in the process of becoming a formal organization under Victorian Law in Australia. Their mission is to contribute to the development of the circus arts through connecting diverse circus artists and other circus arts professionals across the globe.

Editor's Note: At StageLync, an international platform for the performing arts, we celebrate the diversity of our writers' backgrounds. We recognize and support their choice to use either American or British English in their articles, respecting their individual preferences and origins. This policy allows us to embrace a wide range of linguistic expressions, enriching our content and reflecting the global nature of our community.

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The Circus Arts Hub

The Circus Arts Hub is in the process of becoming a formal organization under Victorian Law in Australia. Their mission is to contribute to the development of the circus arts through connecting diverse circus artists and other circus arts professionals across the globe.