Unleashing a New Feature called EXPLORE! - StageLync
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Circus News

Unleashing a New Feature called EXPLORE!

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”–Andy Warhol

Hey! We have a new feature on CircusTalk and we think it will make navigating the content much more fun. It’s called EXPLORE.

CircusTalk tech team
Meet the CircusTalk tech team

Our tech team (headed up by Eugene Sutula and Vitaly Manzenko) first heard about this plan two months ago and set themselves to the task of transforming an information page into a thing of beauty, one that gives you a quick visual on what is happening in circus–sharing the news, the jobs, and the opportunities as well as the triumphs of circus artists and companies. It took them about two months to put it together (because they are working on other new features soon to be revealed as well…), so check it out!

But why? Because we saw the need to get more of those posts, jobs, photos, residencies and company profiles in front of your face, and it essentially acts as a replacement for the more linear WHOS WHO page and expands its functionality. Please note, the EXPLORE page still has a keyword search button and will allow you to locate information by category just as WHOS WHO once did.

Just so you know, we are always considering what would make CircusTalk more useful and interactive, and we take user feedback seriously and constantly make changes like these to tweak the system. Sometimes the changes are so small you might not even notice how they improve the site, but this was a big one. So, please let us know what you think about EXPLORE at [email protected].

Do you have a story to share? Submit your news story, article or press release.