The Nonessential Project: Episode 6, Emma Khourey - StageLync
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The Nonessential Project: Episode 6, Emma Khourey

The beginning of the coronavirus pandemic threw the entire circus industry off track, including long-time performer Neisha Murphy. As the variety show star reevaluated her needs, she also reconsidered what was important to her and to the greater circus community. She has made it her mission to ask the artists alongside her what matters most to them. The Nonessential Project unpacks what it means to be labeled “nonessential” during COVID times. CircusTalk is excited to shine a light on artists’ COVID stories as we repost some of Neisha’s episodes.

The sixth interview is with Comedy Circus Performer and children’s entertainer Emma Khourey. Emma Khourey is a wonderful and charming Street Theatre and Circus entertainer. A graduate of the New Zealand Physical Theatre and Circus School ‘Circo- Arts’, Emma specializes in Unicycle, Bowl Kicking and Hula Hoops. In addition Emma undertook advanced circus training in China at ‘The Beijing Acrobatics School’ and studied at ‘Bonts’s Escuela Internacional De Clown’ in Ibiza. A Wollongong local, Emma has made circus performance her career and is also a personal trainer and a mum.

Main image credited to original video.

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