CircusTalk PRO Member Showcase: Finn Burnett-Pope - StageLync
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CircusTalk PRO Member Showcase: Finn Burnett-Pope

We at CircusTalk are grateful for each and every one of our members. From discipline to background, the CircusTalk community is home to a wide array of circus professionals and we want to celebrate you! We introduce to you the CircusTalk PRO Member Showcase, a series dedicated to shining the spotlight on our unique PRO members. Without further ado, we present…
Finn Burnett-Pope — Tight wireĀ 

Image of Finn Burnett-Pope wearing a red flannel smiling at the cameraNational Centre for Circus Arts student Finn Burnett-Pope can’t get enough of the tight wire. Currently based in the London, Pope identifies himself as a circus performer, student, violinist and visual artist. Pope has also studied at Circomedia.Ā As a student, he enjoys the thrill of the tight wire, and the need for continued concentration. Spinning rings are a favorite of his. He often adds comedic elements to his performances.

In addition to tight wire, Finn Burnett-Pope also specializes in juggling. He prefers combination juggling tricks. He has performed hula hoops with Cirque Nova, in London, and at Desparu Theatre in Cornwall. It is the final year of his three year degreeĀ at the National Centre for Circus Arts.

We asked Pope what draws him to tight wire in particular, and how he would characterize himself as an artist, to which he responded:

“I like the danger element of tight wire, I think that it’s a pretty universally exciting discipline, also on a more personal level I think that tight wire is a disciplineĀ that keeps you focused and doesn’t leave any room for complacency.
Tight wire initially attracted me because of the challengeĀ and that’s why it’s still engaging for me now.Ā The thing about tight wire being such an unaccessable discipline for most people, is that it means that it is a very unsaturated discipline. It’d be nice if there were more tight wire artists to bounce off of.”

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On his persona as a performer, Finn Burnett-Pope says:

“I would characterise myself as a performer who puts my own spin on pretty traditional tricks, I do a lot of juggling on the wire, especially multitasking/combination tricks: spinning rings on the wire and such.
My acts are always character based and usually very tightly choreographed, I don’t like leaving too much to chance.”

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To have your profile be considered for our next PRO member showcase, please email us.Ā 

Lydia Nord
Performer, Writer -United States
Lydia is a Sailor Circus graduate currently based in Florida who was featured in the 2017 Smithsonian Folklife Festival. She is a Florida State University alumna and former member of the FSU Flying High Circus who received a degree in Media Communication Studies and Spanish. Her disciplines include trapeze, aerial silks, and Spanish web.

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Lydia Nord

Lydia is a Sailor Circus graduate currently based in Florida who was featured in the 2017 Smithsonian Folklife Festival. She is a Florida State University alumna and former member of the FSU Flying High Circus who received a degree in Media Communication Studies and Spanish. Her disciplines include trapeze, aerial silks, and Spanish web.