Strap Into Circus and Family Life with Jérome Sordillon - StageLync
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Strap Into Circus and Family Life with Jérome Sordillon

The CircusTalk talent pool has amazing circus artists and career performers from around the globe– a group with too many accomplishments to count. That’s why each month, we get to know an artist and let them share wisdom from their careers with you. February’s featured artist is French-born aerialist Jérome Sordillon, well-known for his solo work with Cirque du Soleil.
Headshot of Cirque du Soleil aerialist Jérome Sordillon
Jérome Sordillon

Born just outside of Lyon, France, Jérome Sordillon lives by the proverb, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Since his early start as an artistic gymnast, Jérome has striven tirelessly to learn and hone his craft. That ambition carries him through his career as it has brought him through competition circuits and from France to Canada, from gymnastics to aerial straps and hand to hand. An alumnus of Quebec’s Ecole Nationale de Cirque, Jérome won the bronze medal for his straps act at the 35th Cirque de Demain festival before taking his career global with Cirque du Soleil, headlining shows like ELOIZE, CRYSTAL, and the return of LUZIA. He’s also a proud husband and a new father.

From England with the LUZIA tour, Jérome took a moment from his day to answer our most pressing questions:

What drew you to circus arts, and specifically aerial straps and hand to hand?

I started gymnastics when I was 4, so being on straps was a bit like using rings. But still, I missed working with someone, so hand to hand was the perfect balance for me.      

How did you stay busy during the pandemic?

I became a parent!!! 

It kept me busy day and night. But I always found some free time to train, even if there is nothing like doing shows or training on straps to stay in shape.

How do you balance touring and performing with your family life?

Acrobat Jérome Sordillon does an aerial pole act
Jérome on aerial pole

I love it. It’s a new life— not always an easy one, but I see it as a privilege for our kid. He has the chance to be around crazy circus people, learn 3 languages—French, English, Spanish— and see acrobats in action daily.

What qualities do you bring to a cast or show, and what makes you feel welcomed in a cast?

My experience— but I also like to think that I’m a positive person. I try to find positivity in every situation. And I’ve missed less than 5 shows since I started my career more than 10 years ago.

Being welcomed is the easiest thing in the circus industry. Circus people are from all around the world, meaning we’re used to traveling to meet new people and adapting ourselves to new situations. We speak the same language, have the same passion. Circus mixes so many arts that you know every single person that you meet can teach you something amazing. And whenever you meet a new circus artist, you can be sure that you know someone in common.

What moments from your career are you proudest of?

Acrobat Jérome Sordillon performs an aerial straps act
Jérome on straps

> My graduation from ENC– and finding my wife there. Managing to make it work despite us not always working in the same company, country, or continent. 

> When I got my first contract [for ELOIZE].

> Becoming a medalist at the 2014 Cirque de Demain festival.

> Working as a solo artist with Cirque du Soleil.

> And, most recently, when my son saw me in LUZIA and came on stage with me after the show at Royal Albert Hall.

What advice would you share with artists in the early stages of their careers?

You will feel tired before the show, but remember that our job is to have fun with our friends in front of an audience— families who have often paid a lot of money to enjoy their moment with us. Give 100% without taking risks.

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Carolyn Klein
Content Writer - United States
Carolyn Klein is a writer, poet, and circus fan from the Washington, D.C, area. Writing stories about the circus has been a dream of hers since getting introduced to circus fiction around 2014. She recently completed her B.A. in English and Creative Writing, magna cum laude, at George Mason University. As a new member of the Circus Talk journalism team, Carolyn looks forward to learning as much as she can about the industry and people behind circus.

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Carolyn Klein

Carolyn Klein is a writer, poet, and circus fan from the Washington, D.C, area. Writing stories about the circus has been a dream of hers since getting introduced to circus fiction around 2014. She recently completed her B.A. in English and Creative Writing, magna cum laude, at George Mason University. As a new member of the Circus Talk journalism team, Carolyn looks forward to learning as much as she can about the industry and people behind circus.