Chamäleon Berlin Brings SHOW PONY to the 2024 Edinburgh Fringe - StageLync
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Chamäleon Berlin Brings SHOW PONY to the 2024 Edinburgh Fringe

Coming to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe this August – part circus show, part training session, and part open-heart surgery – Berlin-based still hungry’s brand new work Show Pony examines the dualities and challenges of life on stage for three female acrobats.

We all know what they do with old horses.What happens when you still want the stage, but it no longer wants you? Co-created with groundbreaking performance artist Bryony Kimmings, Show Pony expertly balances humour, lunacy, and love in equal lashings to probe the gut wrenching moment when a performer is no longer needed – and whether they should try to continue on their career paths or just give it all up.

Looking simultaneously to the past, present and future, Show Pony pulls apart the lessons and meanings hidden in each woman’s personal stories about childhood, career choices, motherhood, health, and friendship. Our performers are getting older and asking WHY DID I BECOME WHAT I AM? Directly challenging our prejudices towards age, sex, and ability both on and off stage, Show Ponythrows a fierce and joyful scream at the patriarchy to uncover what exactly happens to female performers when they hit middle age.

still hungry brought their first show, RAVENto the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2019 to high acclaim. Show Ponyis the collective’s second performance.


Main Image Photo@ Matteo Blau

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