Welcome Our Newest Team Member, Julia Grace Lumpkin - StageLync
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Welcome Our Newest Team Member, Julia Grace Lumpkin

Let’s give a warm welcome to the newest member of Team CircusTalk: aerialist Julia Grace Lumpkin, our social media intern! In this article, we’ll get to know the FSU student and delve into her circus past, plans, and ambitions as a young performer.
Aerialist Julia Grace Lumpkin does aerial web in Flying High Circus production Cosmic
Julia Grace Lumpkin in FSU’s Cosmic (2022)

Born and raised amid the proud circus and performing arts culture of Sarasota, Florida, Julia Grace Lumpkin (Grace) caught the performance bug at age 11, when her parents signed her up for a week-long summer camp with Sailor Circus Academy… and thus kicked off “the most amazing adventure of my life,” as Grace recounts. “After that first week of camp, I was entranced.” This early taste of the circus life convinced Grace and her parents to enroll her in Sailor Circus Academy’s training program. She spent the next seven-plus years exploring the broad spectrum of circus arts disciplines as a performer and student of their skilled instructors, falling in love with aerial. On graduating from their program in 2020, she took things to the next level and joined the cast of Florida State University (FSU)’s Flying High Circus, where she takes part in multiple aerial acts for crowds under the campus Big Top. Along her path, Grace has also ventured into the fields of musical theater, dance (ballet, jazz, tap, and lyrical/contemporary), acting, and improv, as well as show writing, directing, and casting fellow performers and playwrights—and, most recently, she found her way to us at CircusTalk.

Getting to know our newest team member, we asked Grace a few questions to learn more about her journey so far and her future goals. Here’s what she had to say:

CT: What drove you to apply to work at CircusTalk?

Spanish web performer Julia Grace Lumpkin in
Grace in Cosmic

JGL: As a junior in college, I was looking for an internship that would help me gain some experience working in the business industry with a focus on marketing. A good friend of mine had posted that she had done an internship for CircusTalk, and I reached out to gain some more information about this company and what the internship would entail. She had nothing but amazing things about the internship and I couldn’t be happier to have found this opportunity and had the initiative to be proactive in applying for it. Interning for CircusTalk has been an incredible experience so far;, I really feel like I am part of the team and the work that I do is important and needed. This internship is perfect for me because I am gaining valuable experience in the business industry and learning so much while also being able to continue and share my love for circus arts.

CT: What keeps you busiest these days aside from performing?

JGL: Aside from performing and training, I stay pretty busy doing school work and attending classes, being on the executive board for my sorority, and taking time to work out, read, spend time with my friends, and visit my family. I am blessed to have so many amazing opportunities and people in my life to keep me busy.

CT: What’s your overall approach to using social media?

JGL: I use social media on a fairly regular basis, mostly as a means of communication and to check on my favorite accounts. On a personal level, social media is a fun way to share about your life, educate or inform others about important topics, or just post funny or positive stories. On an organizational level, I think social media is a great way to get your message out there, and you’d be surprised by the substantial impact that you can have on these platforms.

Julia Grace Lumpkin performs aerial web in FSU Circus' show Cosmic
Grace in Cosmic

CT: What do you hope to be doing in your career ten years from now?

JGL: 10 years from now, I hope to be working for an organization much like CircusTalk:, one that lets me pursue a career in the business world, but also allows me to continue working within the performing arts world. Something very hands-on where I can meet with performers and interact with the performing arts world while also working with the business and marketing side of this incredible industry.

All images shared by Grace, credited to FSU Circus photographer Bob Howard. Main image: Julia Grace and her lyra partner Alyssa Lee

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