Dimensions of Juggling in Chile - Docuseries Chapter 2: History - StageLync
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Dimensions of Juggling in Chile – Docuseries Chapter 2: History

When exploring a whole continent’s worth of circus cultures,  it can be hard to keep track of the many unique people, stories, circus customs, and disciplines you encounter along the way… but the Está Pasando project is helping us get the lay of the land—starting with the fabulous Chilean juggling scene! All week long, we’ll be delivering to you the episodes of Dimensions of Juggling in Chile, a six-part docuseries that takes viewers on a deep dive into a country’s diverse juggling culture. This second chapter relays the history of juggling in Chile.

The Dimensions of Juggling in Chile series serves as a general snapshot of the current state of juggling in 2023 Chile. Directed by Marcelo Troncoso in collaboration with Está Pasando and sponsored by Circus Talk, this six-part documentary delves into the many unique facets of Chile’s contemporary juggling practice, from its history to its many different dimensions. Amongst a whole globe’s worth of local juggling customs, Chilean juggling is particularly unique, both for its high technical level and for the culture and communities that have sprung up and organized themselves around this discipline.

“Chapter 2: History of Juggling in Chile”
Directed by: Marcelo Troncoso
Starring: Marcelo Troncoso
Produced by: CircusTalk
Audio and music: Marcelo Troncoso
Editing: Marcelo Troncoso
Script: Marcelo Troncoso
Subtitles: Josefa Iskándara Chat and Miguel Manzano

View the entire series.

Marcelo Troncoso
Researcher -CHILE
Marcelo Troncoso is a researcher in performing arts, with a special interest in circus development. He teaches History of Circus at Circo del Mundo, the Chilean circus school, and has been actively involved in the circus community. In recent years, Marcelo has collaborated with various circus artists in Chile as a documentarist, capturing and sharing their stories and experiences. His work aims to shed light on the rich cultural heritage and evolution of the circus art form in Chile. Marcelo's multifaceted background as a trapeze artist and musician further enriches his understanding and passion for the world of circus.

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Marcelo Troncoso

Marcelo Troncoso is a researcher in performing arts, with a special interest in circus development. He teaches History of Circus at Circo del Mundo, the Chilean circus school, and has been actively involved in the circus community. In recent years, Marcelo has collaborated with various circus artists in Chile as a documentarist, capturing and sharing their stories and experiences. His work aims to shed light on the rich cultural heritage and evolution of the circus art form in Chile. Marcelo's multifaceted background as a trapeze artist and musician further enriches his understanding and passion for the world of circus.