Natasha Ghanimeh
Secretary, Circus Artist -United Kingdom
Natasha Ghanimeh (it sounds a little like “panini” but replace the P with a G, and the second N with an M). is a child of 1993. She grew up on the likes of Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon and CardCaptors. She adores Marvel and DC comics/cinematics. Basically she says she has been taught from a young age that anyone can fly and is proud to say that through aerial arts, she can do just that. When she’s not hanging upside down, she is a secretary for a Forensics company in Manchester.

In the world of circus, her discipline is hoop, but she is also a student in silks and pole, and has dabbled in straps and trapeze as well as “not-so-gracefully” tumbling on her head during acro-balance sessions.