Mathilde Perahia
Circus Artist, Student -Canada
Mathilde Perahia is a PhD in Humanities at Concordia University since November 2021. She studied the performances of Montreal circus artists on the margins as spaces for the embodiment of the queer paradigm. Prior to this, Mathilde was a social circus instructor in Argentina, Cambodia and Nepal. She is also a practitioner specializing in rope. She co-authored with Jacinthe Rivard an article on the role played by Cirque Hors Piste in the development of alternative circus performances in Montreal, Les performances du cirque alternatif montréalais comme espaces de changement de perceptions de la marginalité? L'exemple du spectacle Le Cabaret du Corps Dada (Nouvelle Pratique des arts, 2020) and published Le rater au cœur des nouvelles écritures comme stratégie pour réinventer la création circassienne à Montréal for the journal Agôn in 2021.