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Black and White - Performing Arts Shows - StageLync

Black and White

by Tanja Puklek Borelli Croatia , Zagreb since 2018
  • 3
  • 40 min
  • Fixed-Location

Cast and Crew


Black and white performance is exploring constrast as a fundation of cultural, sociological, political, physical and methaphysicle coexistance of two polarityes. It is connecting two cultures which are, from their own point of view, exotic to each other. It rases awareness that our way of living is something new and different for people from other countries. Being exposed to different cultures, we refresh our way of living, as well as value our manners and costumes more than before. Through traditional dances, songs and physical teather accompanied by live music, two performers of different sex, race and culture (man and woman, black and white, african and european) are merging each others history in order to create harmonius habitat. Combining  Croatian and African folklore with contemporary dance and music we are placing ourselves in our past, present and future.

Authors and performers: Filip Borelli, Tanja Puklek and Sifiso Seleme

Music and video: Filip Borelli

Costume design: Tanja Puklek and Sifiso Seleme

Photo design: Filip Borelli

It is intended to perform this project in dance halls, galleries or any place suitable for performance (public or private place).

Technical specification:

-          Dance floor (or flat surface like parquet) dimensons 6m by 6m (could be done on 5m by 5m)

-          PA system

-          Stage light

-          1 table and 3 chairs


    • Black and White has added a new cover photo.
    • Tanja Puklek Borelli - Individual - Croatia - StageLync
      Tanja Puklek Borelli created 🎪 a show page.
      Black and White