Launch of Circus Center, Addis Ababa, Fundraising Campaign expired Free |
Sosina Wogayehu is ZOOM launching the fundraising campaign for The Circus Center Addis Ababa, Today! Thursday, Oct 22!
(London 8am, Addis Ababa 10am, Moscow 10am, Melbourne 6pm) If you haven’t heard about the Circus Center, it’s an amazing (& ambitious - it is Sosi!) social enterprise project, check out the vision on the Circus Center website, Sosi is reaching out to us as a circus community, to create our own ‘tribes’ to raise funds to establish the center. Email us for more info on [email protected], or donate directly at This is a chance, amongst all the challenges of COVID 19, for the circus and arts community to give our direct support to a sister community that could really change the lives of young Ethiopians. Chaired by Mike Finch, the launch guests will include: Brukty Tigabu, Chair of Social Enterprise Ethiopia; Wintana Gmaskel, Circus Artist from the award winning “Trilogy”, Ethiopia; Anni Davey, Artistic Director, The Flying Fruitfly Circus; Zsuzsanna Mata, Executive Director of the Federation Mondiale de Cirque and Founding Director of the Global Alliance of Circus Schools; Sosina Wogayehu, Circus Center, Ethiopia. There will be a Q&A with panelists at the close of the formal part of the launch. Video messages from Jonathan Lee Iverson (American Ringmaster), Pavel Kotov (Senior Casting Director, Cirque Du Soleil) and Jessica Hentoff, Artistic/Executive Director, Circus Harmony. This event has been organised by the Advisory Committee for the Circus Center - Antonella Casella (The Circus Arts Hub), Mike Finch (Australian Circus Director), Jasmine Straga (JS Creations) and Anni Davey (AD of Flying Fruitfly Circus). You can rsvp for a link by emailing Antonella Casella at The Circus Arts Hub
Oct. 22, 2020
Oct. 22, 2020 1:00 am Timezone: (UTC+10) Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Guam |