Inclusive Juggling Symposium expired Free |
A 6 part online networking series, which brings together an international community of social practitioners to discuss, share and connect about functional juggling and the overall accessibility of Circus.
Presented in collaboration between Odskocznia Studio, Hungarian Juggling Association, Kulturbühne Neustadt e.V., Circo Tascabile Circo Tascabile, Quat Props Italia and supported by Erasmus+ funding. All meetings are free to attend and registration can be made by following the link below. Symposiums are held on Wednesdays from 8pm-9:30pm CET with scheduled meeting dates of December 07, 14, 28 / January 01, 11, 18. These meetings are intended to create a space for different developers to gather and share about their current work and project goals. Everyone who attends is welcome to share and breakout rooms will be provided as a way to consolidate conversations of interest. Registration Form:
Dec. 07, 2022 -
Online event URL:
Jan. 18, 2023 8:00 pm Timezone: (UTC+1) Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Madrid |