Det får bära eller brista expired Free |
DET FÅR BÄRA ELLER BRISTA With offspring of their own, six female partner acrobats explore the limits between lifting and collapsing. Across time, women have carried children, potato sacks, pots, water and milk jugs, strollers into the car and up stairs, groceries from the store, firewood, laundry ... and more children. Det får bära eller brista is a performance that illustrates women’s history with acrobatics and contemporary folk music. On stage, human pyramids and impressive acrobatic choreographs are built in new circus’ innovative spirit. Idea and concept: Circus By Me Directed by: Åsa Johannisson Assistant director: Katja Kortström Acrobats: Anna Nerman Sylla, Katja Kortström, Linda Petersson, Rebecka Nord, Seela Wanvik & Signe Veinholt Composition: Anna Cederquist Light design: Sofie Gynning Musicians: Anna Rynefors, Anna Cederquist
Apr. 04, 2020
Application link:
Apr. 04, 2020
Dynamo - Production house for new circus and performing arts
Odense Denmark Dynamo - Production house for new circus and performing arts |