Lightning House Players is a theatrical production company in the Boston, Massachusetts area, dedicated to presenting works that are personally inspiring for the betterment of the individual and society. We believe that the individual can be a force for positive change in the world and want to create opportunities to initiate conversations about a range of important issues we all face today.
Zareh Artinian, M.F.A., Founder and Producer, is an experienced editor, writer, and producer of multimedia products. An accomplished author with works published in diverse genres and media, his most recent work was the book for a musical, Beneath the Skin, which focused on de-stigmatizing mental health issues faced by young adults. He has also published over a dozen science fiction stories and non-fiction articles for middle-schoolers and a novel for young adults. Zareh has taught at Emerson College, Sacred Heart University, and Eastern Nazarene College, as well as completing numerous freelance writing and editing projects. He has a B.S. from St. Joseph’s College and M.F.A. in Creative Writing from Emerson College.