Ginger Snaps, The Tastiest Tease in Texas, is an award-winning international burlesque performer, aerialist, and producer from Austin, TX. She has been performing burlesque for over 13 years and aerial for 10 of those. Voted Austin’s “Best Burlesque Performer” by the 2016 - 2022 Austin Chronicle Reader’s Poll, she is renowned for her unique approach to burlesque and aerial performance infusions. Ginger has been seen on stages and screens across the world including on America's Got Talent, Das Supertalent, performing at the illustrious Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekender in Las Vegas, headlining the Brasilia Burlesque Festival, and numerous viral social media videos and articles.
She is the Performance Manager for Sky Candy, the founder of Legislate THIS - a series of burlesque fundraiser shows for Planned Parenthood, as well as the founder of a series of professional development workshops for instructors on teaching plus-size aerial students. Additionally, Ginger teaches a series of classes at her home studio, Sky Candy in Austin, TX, specifically for beginning plus-size aerial students and works to champion plus-size circus inclusion. She clearly doesn’t sleep a whole lot, but finds great enjoyment in cats, circus, glitter, fighting the patriarchy, and bizarre productions. Follow her shenanigans on various platforms at @gingersnapsburlesque!