CINARS is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to promote and support the export of the performing arts. Its main objectives are to:
Encourage cultural creations emerging from the performing arts sector
Promote commercial discussions between organizations specializing in production and those specializing in show presentation
Make Montreal a worldwide hub of performance art networking
CINARS’s services are clustered around five different headings:
Since 1984, CINARS organizes every two years in Montreal, one of the most important international performing arts conferences in the world, with nearly 1500 professionals hailing from 40 countries including 360 show presenters, some of whom are the most influential in the business. During one week, over one hundred and fifty shows from Quebec, Canada and abroad grace the stages while workshops, networking events, as well as an exhibition hall are teeming with participants. After 16 editions, the CINARS Biennale has become a key worldwide event in performing arts touring.
All year long, CINARS ensures a presence abroad thanks to:
- Cooperative performances in international markets (Québec On Stage): every year, CINARS organizes, along with Quebec artistic companies and agents, several cooperative performances in the most important international markets.
- The organization of showcases abroad: CINARS organizes showcases abroad within the context of international markets. Among the most significant operations, CINARS coordinates every year a showcase in New York, called Ice Storm, as part of the APAP.
- Various missions and a presence in international networking events.
Every year, CINARS provides training seminars designed for artist representatives and agents, as well as targeted workshops to encourage the development of the skills involved in international touring. A coaching service is also provided all year long to address the specific needs of artistic companies.
In order to assist the promotion of Quebec and Canadian companies abroad, CINARS has put forth several cooperative promotional operations such as the creation of a promotional DVD.
CINARS also offers its expertise by undertaking studies of the performing arts sector, by creating long-term strategies for certain geographical territories, as well as by acting as an operator or a consultant for international networking events.