Cia Fundo Mundo is a Brazilian circus company formed exclusively by trans*, travesti and non-binary people. Created in 2017, one of its goals is to think about art as a tool for changing reality. Through the language of the circus, the group seeks to discuss gender and sexuality issues in an approachable way to the general public.
“Sui Generis” is their first work, premiere in 2018, a circus show that presents transgender topics in an provocative and humorous way. With aerial performances, hula hoops, juggling, music and poetry, the artists invite the public to step out of their comfort zone.
In addition to circus performances, Cia Fundo Mundo proposes training activities such as debates and workshops. They currently maintain the “Circus Lab for Transgender, Travesti and Non-Binary People”, in order to bring the trans community closer to circus arts.
Members: Helen Maria, Juno Nedel, Lui Castanho, Noam Scapin e Vulcânica Pokaropa
SUI GENERIS; 2018; 80’
May - (premiere) Casa do Palhaço, Florianópolis/SC, BRAZIL
August - Bruno Nitz Municipal Theater, Balneário Camboriú/SC, BRAZIL
October - Casa do Palhaço, Florianópolis/SC, BRAZIL
November - Espaço Fantástico das Artes, Curitiba/PR, BRAZIL
January – Summer Festival, Casa do Palhaço, Florianópolis/SC, BRAZIL
April – (invited show) II Encontro Internacional de Mulheres do Circo (II Internacional Women Circus Festival), Forte Voador, Ribeirão Preto/SP, BRAZIL
November - Circo da UNESP, São Paulo/SP, BRAZIL
November - Flick Circo, Londrina/PR, BRAZIL
January - 20ª Convenção Brasileira de Malabarismo e Circo (Brazilian Juggling and Circus Convention), Eusébio/CE, BRAZIL
January - Cuca Barra, Fortaleza/CE, BRAZIL
February - SESC Santana, São Paulo/SP, BRAZIL
I Encuentro de Latinoamericano de Circo LGBTI+ (I Latin American LGBTIA+ Circus Festival), 2019, Montevideu, URUGUAY
II Encontro Internacional de Mulheres do Circo (II Internacional Women Circus Festival), Ribeirão Preto/SP, 2019, BRAZIL
Panel: Interseccional Feminism at II Internacional Women Circus Festival, Ribeirão Preto/SP, 2019, BRAZIL
Individual Performances at LGBT Night at São Paulo Juggling and Circus Convention (Convenção Paulista de Malabarismo e Circo), 2018 and 2019, Piracaia/SP, BRAZIL
Individual Performances at LGBT Night at 19ª Brazilian Juggling and Circus Convention (19ª Convenção Brasileira de Malabarismo e Circo), 2018, Rio das Ostras/RJ, BRAZIL
Individual Performances at LGBT Night and Women’s Night at 3ª Florianópolis Juggling and Circus Convention (3ª Convenção de Malabarismo e Circo de Florianópolis), 2018, Florianópolis/SC, BRAZIL
Proposed LABs and TALKs:
LAB - “Circus Lab for Trans*, Travesti and Non-Binary People”, 2020, Tendal da Lapa, São Paulo/SP, BRAZIL
TALK - “Trans* Representation and Representativeness in Circus”, SESC Convida, 2020, BRAZIL
TALK - “The Body behind the words – Subaltern Corporalities in the Circus” – 20ª Convenção Brasileira de Malabarismo e Circo (Brazilian Juggling and Circus Convention), 2020, Eusébio/CE, BRAZIL
Helen Maria, Juno Nedel, Lui Castanho, Noam Scapin and Vulcânica Pokaropa
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