Carlo has been teaching, directing, and performing circus for the past 30 years. He is a graduate of the San Francisco Circus Center’s Clown Conservatory and trained multiple times in China where he worked with his wife, Orlene, perfecting their foot juggling act. He has performed with the Royal Lichtenstein Circus as a clown, juggler, unicyclist, and diabolo artist. He has toured extensively with the Zoppé Italian Family Circus and has performed with St. Louis’ own Circus Flora. With Orlene, Carlo has served as Artistic Director of CircEsteem and the Chicago Youth Circus. He is a founding member of AYCO, the American Youth Circus Organization and on/off Artist-in-Residence at SANCA Seattle where he and his family develop their Icarian Games/Risley number with Charly Dedessus le Moutier of the Castor Brothers.