Johanna Patricia Vargas… casually sensuous, timeless, resilient. And while she can be either 'tranquilla' or combative- depending on the situation- she is always authentic.
Johanna is a bodyworker/licensed massage therapist and Chicago-based writer and artist. She trains martial arts, aerial rope, contortion, and object manipulation. She’s told stories with Loose Chicks and has performed at MSA Sports Acro and Circus Arts and Aloft Circus Arts in Chicago.
Most importantly (and this is what guides her work and, at times, undeniably colorful, life-choices), she believes we’re all here to help each other grow and evolve, that our personal pot of gold is found only through facing precisely THAT which we most hate/fear, and feels circus and martial arts provide an unparalleled arena for just that kind of personal growth.
licensed & board-certified massage therapist martial artist / instructor circus artist / instructor
-Identifying muscular imbalance and implementing a plan comprised of clinical, therapeutic bodywork, along with appropriate strengthening and flexibility self-care for clients.
-Pre- and post-event athletic massage: proven relief of RSI symptoms in my work with professional acrobatic performers
-Gentle therapeutics and comforting touch for the elderly, dying and their families
-Designing and implementing age- and ability-appropriate movement classes for children, adults and seniors
-Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido, Judo, Kung Fu: First Dan, red stripe
-Aerial rope
-Strength building and flexibility training
-Basic ball and hat manipulation
-Fine Art studies: School of The Art Institute of Chicago, The Chicago Academy for the Arts and The Cooper Union
-Thai massage studies and Foundations of Chinese Medicine, various instructors and programs, 2007-present
-Massage, anatomy and ethics instructor at Blue Lotus Thai Healing Studies, Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, Yoga Now, Aloft Circus Arts, 2010 - present
-IL-state licensed, license no. 227.014361 & certified by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork since 2009, approved CE provider since 2017
-Private therapeutic massage practice since 2009
-Student of Senior Grand Master S. H. Yu since 2001, designed and implemented Young Ninja Artists program, an early childhood program that covered all subject areas through movement, the arts and firmly grounded in martial arts discipline and social responsibility
-Graduate of Aloft Circus Arts’ Full-Time Training Program in 2014
-Performances - Aloft Circus Arts, Miermanov Sports Acro - 2014 - 2019
-Rope, Aerial Conditioning and kids circus arts instructor, Aloft Circus Arts & Actor’s Gymnasium
References available upon request