Tapis Rouge! Podcast: BERNARD PETIOT! The Backbone of Cirque du Soleil’s International Headquarter

One of Cirque’s integral behind the scenes VIP’s, Bernard Petiot went from the highest achievements in the world of Olympic gymnastics to being the backbone of Soleil’s international headquarters. By creating support systems and risk assessment for the integration of new artists, he has paved the way for everyone to succeed… safely. In short…. He’s kind of a big deal!

Performer -FRANCE
After touring for a decade as an artist with Cirque du Soleil, I surely met a lot of incredible people from all over the world. I thought I’d be crazy not to share some of these inspiring stories, amazing creative processes, and crazy adventures from every corner of the industry.
Join me every week with my guests from the world of TV, movies, music, sports, and of course, Cirque du Soleil!  
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This post was last modified on June 16, 2023 9:33 pm

Guilhem Cauchois: After touring for a decade as an artist with Cirque du Soleil, I surely met a lot of incredible people from all over the world. I thought I’d be crazy not to share some of these inspiring stories, amazing creative processes, and crazy adventures from every corner of the industry. Join me every week with my guests from the world of TV, movies, music, sports, and of course, Cirque du Soleil!   Get Tapis Rouge! wherever you get your podcasts! https://media.rss.com/tapisrouge/feed.xml
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