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Inclusive Juggling Training - Peforming Arts Events - StageLync
Inclusive Juggling... Craig Quat
Apr.07, 2025 - Open Run
These Teacher Training Seminars offer innovative learning experiences focused on the accessibility of circus arts and Functional Juggling. Designed to sharpen awareness about inclusion and how juggling can be used as a tool for social intervention, participants will gain new skill sets and perspec...
International Circus Festival YOUNG STAGE Basel  - Peforming Arts Events - StageLync
International Circ... International Circus Festival YOUNG STAGE Basel
Sept.18, 2025 - Sept.22, 2025
Fantastically artistic and much more than just a show. From September 18-22, 2025, the YOUNG STAGE International Circus Festival will present the world's best young artists for the 16th time, who will compete in the internationally renowned competition in Basel to launch their careers. They can l...
International Salieri Circus Award - Italy - Peforming Arts Events - StageLync
International Sali... Salieri Circus Award
Sept.25, 2025 - Sept.29, 2025
International circus festival with live symphony orchestra

II Festival Iberoamericano de Circo - FIRCO expired Free

Posted on: Mar. 19, 2019
Category: Conference/Convention
Type: In Person
II Festival Iberoamericano de Circo - FIRCO - Performing Arts Events - StageLync
Festival Iberoamericano de Circo FIRCO fomenta el circo contemporáneo y el intercambio cultural generando un lugar de confluencia y aprendizaje que fortalezca lazos. Jóvenes promesas se seleccionarán entre los 23 países de Iberoamérica para participar durante los 3 días del evento. El festival impulsará y premiará mediante un jurado de prestigio internacional las propuestas artísticas más interesantes e innovadoras

Entradas: https://www.teatrocircoprice.es/programacion/firco-19


Iberoamerican Circus Festival FIRCO promotes contemporary circus and cultural exchange, creating a space of learning and unity to strengthen bounds among people and countries. Young talents amongst the 23 iberoamerican countries will be selected to take part in this 3-days event. Our prestigious international jury will award the most innovative and fascinating performances.

Tickets: https://www.teatrocircoprice.es/programacion/firco-19
Date: Oct. 25, 2019 -
Oct. 27, 2019

12:00 am
Timezone: (UTC+1) Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Madrid
Application link:
Location: Teatro Circo Price
Ronda de Atocha, 35, 28012 Madrid

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