11th West Coast Aerial Arts - Anaheim, California expired |
Register Now for the: 11th WEST COAST AERIAL ARTS FESTIVAL
When: Nov. 9 – 12, 2023 Location, Anaheim, California This event is an aerial competition with choreography features. The WCAAF is unprecedented - being the first global aerial competition that allows participants to highlight their aerial skills without any filtering or audition. - With more than 25 categories and divisions available, the playing field is designed to be as level and fair as possible. These include the senior division (lowered to 45 and above) and the professional level with the performer and coach categories distinctly separated, and the latter being treated with special awards. Additionally, there is a diverse selection of aerial apparatus available, with categories segmented according to skill level and age group. - The top three overall winners receive cash prizes, while all category winners are awarded trophies and/or medals to celebrate their accomplishments. - Full Package participants receive souvenirs, such as a T-shirt and a Playbill program, as a keepsake of their experience. - Judges are chosen based on their teaching and educational background to ensure a fair and objective evaluation process. - Workshops are available and taught by professionals known for their expertise. - Special awards are also available for those who demonstrate exceptional creativity and stage presence, with a focus on promoting choreographic duos and group acts. - Scholarship Audition: Opportunity to win a scholarship grant for tuition fee - Participants get to collaborative with fellow artists and share their creative works on stage at the Culminating Concert showcase - There will opportunities to network in various capacity - Silent Auction and Merchandise Booth Registration Deadline: October 1, 2023, or until capacity is reached For more information: www.westcoastaerialartsfestival.com
Nov. 09, 2023 -
Application link:
Nov. 12, 2023 Timezone: (UTC-8) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Anaheim, California
1557 W Mable St, Anaheim, CA 92802 Anaheim United States Anaheim, California |