"Dramaturgy of Physical Action" Workshop in Berlin, Germany expired
Posted by: New International Performing Arts Institute
Posted on: Feb. 24, 2021 Category: Intensive/Workshop/Class Type: In Person |
"DRAMATURGY OF PHYSICAL ACTION" Physical Theatre & Directing Workshop in Berlin, Germany
Dates of the program: 25 - 30 August 2021 This international program is suitable for both, - choreographers who work mainly with movement, as well as for directors who work mainly with actors in physical or text-based performances. Performers from different backgrounds interested in expanding their practical skills, develop international network opportunities and collaborators are also welcome to apply! The main focus of the program is to answer the crucial nowadays question "How to enrich dance performances with psychological tension?" and "How the physicality in acting enriches drama performances?". Probably, these are two most demanding and most interesting questions that modern directors and choreographers are facing. The program is designed as a full-day workshop lab, where students will practically / physically explore different techniques which will help them to discover answers on these questions. The course may be valuable to practitioners interested in the processes of creating contemporary dance, movement or physical theatre performance — particularly artists wondering what it means to bring action in performances, to work with text, with images, and many other practical and useful tools for creating professional performances, regardless of budget. The training is designed as the multidisciplinary intensive lab with participation and practice together with performers from different techniques and countries. Multidisciplinarity and multiculturality is one of the most important principles of our programs. https://www.nipai.org/post/dramaturgy-of-physical-action-physical-theatre-directing-workshop-in-berlin-germany
Aug. 25, 2021 -
Aug. 30, 2021 Timezone: (UTC+1) Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Madrid
Wilhelminenhofstr 91, 12459 Berlin Berlin Germany Katapult
Price: 546.00 US$
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